NAME - Penguin Greetings CGI web application


The script handles all interactions with the web user for the Penguin Greetings ecards system. It is run as a CGI script from a web server. There is a variant of this script that runs in a SpeedyCGI environment that is created by modifying two lines via a sed script. Both versions are documented here and are referred to as These scripts process template files to create the HTML content viewed by the user. It then collects the data and stores it in temporary state files between CGI calls. When a card has finally been assembled, it generates two files: a MIME email message file to be either sent immediately or scheduled for later sending and a data file which is to be stored in Berkeley DBM files. The depends on the pgreetd daemon to handle all processing of files from a temporary status to permanent resolution.


Penguin Greetings requires Perl 5.8.x or later to be installed. It uses additions to the standard Perl library that were not included before 5.8. In addition, Penguin Greetings requires the following Perl libraries be installed: Log::Dispatch, CGI, CGI::Carp, MIME::Lite, Apache::Htpasswd, Date:Pcalc, Config::General, Embperl, Digest::MD5, String::Checker, and I18N::AcceptLanguage. In order to use SpeedyCGI, the SpeedyCGI package is also required including the associated Perl module CGI::SpeedyCGI. There are also a set of Perl libraries written specifically to support Penguin Greetings (Pgreet) that are included with the Penguin Greetings distribution. All these modules are available from CPAN ( and as of version 0.9.0 can be automatically installed by the Penguin Greetings installer Install.PL.

Penguin Greetings can use HTML::Mason in addition to or instead of Embperl as the embedded Perl framework for template files. This is not installed by Install.PL but can be installed using the usual Perl module installation tools. The demonstration ecard site: Savoring the sights of Seattle (PgSeattle) uses HTML::Mason templates. Three of the four secondary ecard sites that are Localized for France/French take advantage of Locale::Maketext module that has been included in the most recent versions of Perl 5.8.x. To run those secondary sites this module is required, although Penguin Greetings is itself agnostic to any particular localization strategy.

INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION simply needs to be copied into your cgi-bin directory of your web server in order to work. Penguin Greetings comes with an installer script: Install.PL that will to the necessary copying and setting of ownership and permissions. There is one line in the program that must be localized to your server. That is the line specifying the path to the configuration file. As of version 0.9.0 this automatically set by Install.PL, but could require readjustment.

It is recommended that the layout of files for Penguin Greetings be set up as noted in the Penguin Greetings Installation Guide. You should have a directory in your web server HTML files for templates and card images and a directory owned by the pgreet user for data and configuration files. You must create a pgreet user on your server. It is this pseudo-user that will be used to email cards unless the email as user feature is enabled.

You must set the following items in the pgreet.conf configuration file correctly for to work correctly: cgidir, cgiurl, imagedir, imageurl, datadir, confdir, templatedir, tmpdir, card_conf, and default_template. These should be left at ``reasonable'' values by the installer but may need tweeking. In addition the following options should be set as you desire: login_only forces Penguin Greetings to only allow users in the file htpasswd_file to connect to this server and only if they supply the correct login and password. user_access is a file containing names of email users on this server who have permission to send out ecards under their own email address instead of the pgreet user name. This poses additional security risks, so do not enable this feature unless your server is well secured by other means. allow_quick_views changes the way URLs are encoded on the emails sent to recipients. This encodes the login and password of the card in the URL so that double-clicking on the card immediately brings up the card. This is more pleasant for the recipient by reducing one step for her/him. However, this reduces the screens that the recipient visits and in turn reduces the amount of advertising that the recipient sees. This option makes the most sense for personal sites or private ISPs running Penguin Greetings. For more details on the configuration options, see the Penguin Greetings installation guide.

The data structures for the ecards to be served is stored in a file defined by the configuration variable card_conf. The structure of this file is dependent on how content developers set up their web site. For more information on how to set up content for Penguin Greetings see the Penguin Greetings content developers' guide.

If you choose to use this script with SpeedyCGI, there are some additional options to consider that are fully described in the SpeedyCGI documentation. Unfortunately, not all the options can be defined at runtime. SpeedyCGI changes the launch script from /usr/bin/perl to /usr/bin/speedy and uses this change to specify additional command line options. As ``shipped,'' sets two of these options: Maxbackends and group via the following command line:

    #!/usr/bin/speedy -- -M20 -gpgreet

The Maxbackends option limits the number of persistent Perl interpreters that can be spawned by SpeedyCGI. The group sets up a pgreet group so that SpeedyCGI can coordinate similar Penguin Greeting processes. In addition, There are two configuration file options that can be set to further tune the performance of the persistent Perl interpreter. Timeout is the number of seconds to allow a persistent Perl interpreter to run before shutting down due to lack of activity. MaxRuns is the number of requests to be processed before restarting the interpreter. These parameters are in the pgreet.conf file and are set like any other configuration parameter.


pgreetd daemon, Pgreet Perl module library, SpeedyCGI


Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Edouard Lagache

This software is released under the GNU General Public License, Version 2. For more information, see the COPYING file included with this software or visit:


No known bugs in at this time


Edouard Lagache <>

