Author contact information
Questions? ..
Comments? .. Suggestions?
For more information about me, please
visit my personal web site at:
Penguin Greetings user email
There is a Penguin Greetings users
email list for questions, user tips,
suggestions, and what not. The list is
called pgreet-users and
you can subscribe to it or access the
archives from the following link:
Support Penguin Greetings ... Help
me find a job!
Alas the developer of Penguin Greetings
is once more between jobs after
spending six months in the frigid
north of Seattle working at If you know of
positions in California for a Perl
Programmer, Web Application Developer,
or Internet Traffic Analyst position -
please forward them to me! You
can learn more about my technical
qualifications and get hold of my
resume at:
Using Penguin Greetings? - Tell the
world about it!
If you are using Penguin Greetings to
implement a web-based ecard site,
please drop me an email at <>
with the URL and any details about your
implementation that you would like to
share. Even if you just installed
it for fun, I would like to know that
other people are enjoying my handywork!
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